U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) visited and toured Nobis Engineering in its Concord, New Hampshire headquarters on June 5, 2015. Nobis is a NH-based business that provides environmental, civil, and geotechnical engineering services to federal, state, municipal, and commercial clients throughout the Northeast. During her visit, Senator Ayotte met with Nobis’ employee-owners about the firm’s services; learned of its Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) which provides the company’s workforce with an ownership interest in the firm; and fielded questions during a Question and Answer (Q&A) session. Q&A topics ranged from future funding for Brownfields, municipal water supply, and transportation projects to national security and identity theft concerns.
As an expression of gratitude for the Senator’s work on behalf of ESOPs, Nobis’ President Kenneth Koornneef, PE, presented Senator Ayotte with a granite rock core sample taken as part of the firm’s work at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway. The core boasted the quote, “Thank you for your rock solid support for ESOPs. The Nobis employee-owners don’t take it for ‘Granite’.”
A native of New Hampshire, Senator Ayotte is a former NH Attorney General and has served as NH’s Senator since 2011. Senator Ayotte serves on the Armed Services; Budget; Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; and Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committees in the 113th U.S. Congress.