Lori Cox, PE, Nobis Environmental Project Engineer, traveled to Uganda in January 2020 with the New Hampshire Professional Chapter of Engineers Without Borders, who work with community-based organizations in over 35 countries to improve energy, transportation, healthcare, agriculture, and water supply infrastructure.
The NH Professional Chapter was founded in 2015 and has partnered with Busoga Volunteers for Community Development to help provide water supply wells to nine villages in eastern Uganda. Wells have already been installed in five villages with another two planned for later this year. During Cox’s trip, they assessed the conditions of wells that had been installed, surveyed community members about their health and well use, and met the student pump mechanics who help maintain the village wells.
According to Cox, “There is still so much need for development of clean, reliable water sources. The Ugandan government’s goal is to have one well for every 25 households, and the new wells in our partner villages serve between 100 and 200 households.”
Pictured above: Pump mechanic and students in the process of pulling downhole components for inspection and repair.
You can learn more about Engineers Without Borders here: https://www.ewb-usa.org/ and the NH Professional Chapter here: https://www.ewbnh.org/